The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fall Fun!

This past weekend, we took full advantage of the gorgeous weather!  Cooper got to pick some pumpkins at Grandma Dawn's patch...

See that shirt?  It says "My Mummy Rocks!"

Cooper and Mommy

This is the one he picked for his Baby Sister

Cooper and Grandma Dawn with the Pumpkin Cooper picked for himself

We also went to MN Harvest Apple Orchard, which is just up the hill from our house.  We met with Missy and Phil there and spent a couple hours enjoying all the Orchard has to offer.

Cooper loved the apple launcher--but daddy needs to work on his aim :)

I LOVE apples!!!

"Mmmmmm... Mmmmmm..." was all we heard between the cruches.

What does a monkey say?  Cooper likes to do the actions, too!

Note a few peculiarities in this photo... First, that cute cast.  Second, that big baby!!  Third, Cooper's 'Mommy Love.'

Cooper and Auntie Missy

Look at those big choppers!

Cooper LOVED laughing at Phil and his crazy apple-eating skills.

Climbing up the straw pile

Cooper was FULL of smiles all day!  Until it was time to go, that is...

It sounds like tomorrow the bottom is going to drop out in terms of weather.  We are so glad we had a free weekend to enjoy some time outside.  It was also fun to have some special time to be patient doing what Cooper had fun doing.  The normal hustle and bustle doesn't always allow us the chance to enjoy the simple things through the eyes of an exploring toddler :)

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