The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Waiting For Our Little Lady

Well, today marks 10 days until Baby Kalal's due date.  I originally thought she'd be here by now, but it was silly to have such a hope ;)  I have been feeling okay, and just recently have been getting a bit uncomfortable.  By the end of my days, I have to really work not to waddle.  I have been having lots of Braxton-Hicks contractions, but nothing very painful and certainly not regular.  As of last Tuesday, I am dilated to 3 cm and 80% effaced, so things are certainly 'happening,' just not anytime too quick! 

I am so completely overjoyed to be having a baby girl!  I can't wait to see what she looks like, see what her personality will be, kiss her tiny fingers and toes, smell that sweet new baby smell, and hear that little cry.  We have picked out her name, but we're keeping that a secret until the announcement of her arrival.  Her bedroom is done, her clothes are washed and ready, and the hospital bags are waiting patiently to be whisked off to the hospital.  I'm starting to get a little more nervous about labor and delivery, but I know it will all turn out just fine.  I didn't 'go in to' labor with Cooper, so I'm mostly nervous about what it will feel like to start laboring at home, or maybe worse--school.  No reason to worry, I know, but I can't hep but be a little more nervous this time because I know what's coming!!!!

The nursery has been transformed!

Baby's aunties came over last weekend to help make some custom onesies for her arrival!

The finished products

At a recent wedding with Nicole... we're due within a few weeks of each other!

 And for a little dose of Cooper, here's my FAVORITE photo as of late...

Mommy and Cooper (22 mo.)

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