Fall is a really great time for running in MN! We had two perfect days for a pair of runs we'd been training months for: the Scenic Byway 1/2 Marathon for me and Twin Cities Marathon for Jeremy!
Coop and Izzy got in on the action with the kids' fun run at the Scenic Byway run.
They're the two in ready position!!
Cooper ran this one pretty fast compared to his first in July.
Izzy smiled the whole time!
Then it was time to cheer me on, and the kids were very, very patient. It took me quite a long time to come limping across the finish. 2:34 to be exact. Not a time I'm proud of, but I finished my first 1/2 marathon, and I know I can do better running the next! On a different course. Since I nearly died. At least that's how it felt...
My running buddy who ran much faster :)
Then the following weekend, we spot-hopped at the Twin Cities marathon to see Jeremy at four different spots. Cooper was SO excited for his sign!
Again, the kids were very patient and were good at cheering!
Jeremy finished in about 4:23 if I remember right. His goal was 4:15-4:20 so he did great!!
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