The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Florida Vacation Day #2

Ahhhh.  Waking up with no alarm and no plans for the day.  That's enough for me!!

Our first real day of vacation was just perfect.  The kids loved loved loved playing on the beach.  

Cooper ran right in and was a fish from the start!  Izzy loved to dip her toes in, and although she was a little nervous over the past few weeks when we talked about it, she wasn't hesitant at all to walk right in!

Carson was a little skiddish to begin with.  He didn't love the sand on his feet, and he kept crouching up his legs instead of putting them down.  It was funny, but I missed a picture of it.  And then it seemed like he flipped a switch and he just wanted to "sim sim sim" (swim swim swim!).  

Our beach is Awe. Some.  It is super soft and powdery, the water is shallow for quite a ways out, and it is not busy at all. Those who are around are families, so we don't feel like we are bothering anyone running, splashing, and playing.

There are tons of shells, and the kids loved building with the perfect sand.  We spent two hours on the beach this first day.  We made a mental note that tomorrow we can definitely come down earlier.  The kids could spend all day playing in the water and sand.

All the kids took loooong naps, and I even snuggled in with Cooper for a while.  What a treat.  I think the jet lag is still hanging on!

It wasn't until about 4:30 that everyone was awake, and we headed down to the pool.  No pictures from there, because it definitely takes all four of our hands!!

We went back up to the condo for supper, and then we drove out to explore the area a bit--in search of ice cream!!  We found it, and enjoyed our cones on a beach patio.

I feel so lucky.  We are so blessed to have this chance with the kids.  I am loving all the family time without the stress, mess, and worries of work and everyday life.  We can wake up with no alarm, we have SMALL messes, we get to say "yes" more than no to the kids, we can take naps, we eat every meal together, and we get to just enjoy each other.  While sitting out on the beach today, it really hit me.  What an amazing blessing to work hard and be able to play hard.  

Seize the day!!

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