The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Florida Vacation Day #5

Last night, again.  Gosh they're cute!

The kids went to bed earlier than any other night and they slept in longer than they had any other morning!  The salty sea air seems to be taking it out of them :)

Today was a very laid back day.  I snuck out for a run on the beach, and it was awesome.  It is a bit harder to run on the sand, but it felt good to be out in the warmth!  It was peaceful and quiet.  

The kids snuggled up with cartoons for a while each morning:)

Jeremy headed to Orlando to pick up his mom.  They were slated to be back around 1:00, so the kids and I spent time hanging out in the condo, working on a little of Cooper's school work and laying low.  

Carson was excited for the beach!

We made it out to the beach for a couple hours of fun, though.  The kids were very good listeners for it being just me on three!

Izzy went back to her shell collecting...

Carson just wanted to keep filling buckets...

And Cooper could live on the beach. He told me he loves when his fingers get all wrinkly :)

The kids were so excited for grandma to arrive!  We baked her a cake for a "surprise party" since we didn't really celebrate her birthday last week, plus the kids really wanted to welcome her in a fun way.  Izzy was a bit bummed we didn't get balloons.  They watched out the window for Jeremy and Lori to pull into the parking lot and then hid (this place has a bunch of fun going places) and jumped out when they came in.  After a ginormous piece of chocolate cake, they took a quick nap and then we headed back down to the beach for the evening.

Carson was really into the shells this time.  

He also loved splashing in buckets, dumping, and filling them.

And he loved his castle :)

He also loved to swim, swim, swim.  He was most comfortable today of all the days here.  

Cooper loved having water fights.  He was also trying to catch minnows, and he even stepped on something--he thought it was a fish--and two seconds later, Lori saw a small stingray swim away.  Yikes!

He definitely had wrinkly fingers by this point!!

Both kids liked boogie boarding again.

The mermaids came and wrote Izzy's name in the sand with shells!

Breathtaking sunsets would never get old!

They were wound up at the dinner table!

Thanks to Grandma Lori for getting the kids down for bed so we could go meet up with a friend and grab a drink.  It's kind of crazy we had to fly hundreds of miles away to be 2 mins apart for a few days!  Thanks, Kristine, for the good ice cream shop idea!  Jeremy and I did go grab a drink afterward, so it was a fun little mini-date :)

Cooper's favorite part today was the water fight.  Izzy's favorite was simple: the beach.

Tomorrow will be our last beach day.  I can't wait to spend another day in the sun!

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