The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Halloween Fun

Happy Halloween from our little superheroes!  My momma heart is just ecstatic that I ACTUALLY got one year of coordinating costumes!  And I didn't really do anything to make it happen other than be really excited when they all started building off each other's ideas :)

Meet: Batman, Wonder Woman, and Spiderman.  The city is safe with them around!!

We enjoyed the annual ECFE costume party. There were lot of super heroes this year, but none quite as cute, of course :)

My little Wonder Woman, inside and out!

Our neighbor boy, Jayce was also Spiderman.  Here, the boys are flexing their spidey muscles.

Pumpking carving was a hit, but surprise, surprise, nobody wanted to touch the guts...

Jeremy had a great time using power tools to carve!

All the designs were uniquely their own!

The weekend before Halloween, we made the rounds to see grandmas and grandpas.

Grandma Lori tried to trick the kids into thinking their Halloween treats were canned veggies!

Halloween evening, we went trick-or-treating downtown to the businesses with hundreds or other kids.  It was really fun, and great way to get A LOT of candy in a short amount of time...

One last visit to Grandma Chris working at the clinic.

...And more more posed picture for mom.  They're starting to get better and more cooperative with this!!

Super Hero poses!

Trick-or-treating was a great time.  A bit chilly, but we went out for about an hour or so... check out the haul!!!!!

They collected more candy than they could ever imagine eating!  It was a great night, and a fun way to start out what would be a loooong week... Halloween on a Monday?!  Crazy!

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