The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Our First Camping Adventure of 2017

We are very excited to have a new camper!  It opens up a lot of camping possibilities for us, and gives us the chance to really enjoy camping with a few more conveniences than the pop up.  I concede... Jeremy was right :)

Our first camping trip was the weekend before Memorial day, and it rained a lot, but it was still fun.  The kids didn't seem to mind.  We went to Land of Memories in Mankato, and the campsites were gigantic.  It gave the kids a ton of room to run around.

Carson decided to be 'Rhino Boy' and keep headbutting people.  Here, I think he has tackled Cooper with his rhino moves.

Izzy's sweet tooth was in full force, and she loved the chocolate and marshmallow inside the s'mores.  Not the crackers so much...

Carson loved the s'mores and the snuggles!

First night in the camper!!  The kids got to watch a movie, and they were in heaven :)

Rain, rain, go away.  While we waited out the rain, the kids played some games together.

It was an all-day washout rainy day... so we headed to the YMCA to swim for a couple hours.  It was the perfect surprise for the kids!

Game time in grandma and grandpa's camper: Mustache Smash!

Ahhh... nap time.  My favorite part of camping!

On guard!  

On Sunday, we went to Minneopa State Park.  We tried to catch a glimpse of the bison, but we only saw them in their holding pen.  We did get to do some exploring, though.  The kids love a good adventure!

We are excited for our summer of camping ahead!  We have at least 4 more camping trips planned, and after this first one, I cannot believe what a difference the new camper makes.  We have SPACE for all our stuff, we have a bathroom including a little tub, a microwave, a full fridge, water, air conditioning (not that we needed it on this weekend!), and just a lot more SPACE (oh, did I mention that?).  The kids also love it.  Cooper and Izzy have adopted the name "The Dungeon" for the back bed, and they love their little shelf for their books and their own privacy.  It's pretty great!

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