It was pretty fun to go and watch the Kindergarten program "Getting Down with Mama Goose." The kids did great, and their music teacher, Mrs. Jungwirth, is AWESOME! She gets the kids so involved in all aspects of the show. How she manages 140 Kindergarteners on stage with no tears, no fighting, lots of smiles, and most kids singing is beyond me!
I got my own little preview the day before:
I got my own little preview the day before:
We are both so happy to be teachers for many reasons, but one reason we didn't realize we'd love is the ability to attend our kids' school functions during the day. This is probably the #1 reason I don't think I could leave the BP district!
Jeremy's schedule is such that he can usually get someone to cover his class and make it over to BP before school is out if needed, and my team has been awesome letting me pop out as needed this year!
My staff (well, a little more than half of us) had the MOST fun renting a bus to take us to some local breweries and wineries! We all had a good time, and no one had to worry about driving, or what time they'd get home... we just enjoyed!
Saturday morning, I told the kids they could not eat their smoothies in the living room. This is what they came up with. They had me! (Oh, and note the towel and no diaper for Carson... we were hopeful for another trip to the potty!)
Jeremy and Cooper went out to the field and spent many hours of this weekend looking for turkeys. Sunday afternoon, about an hour before they were going to call it quits, they got one! Well, two, actually, but that was completely on accident.
Cooper was ECSTATIC! It is the best story, but he just would not tell it for me on video! Little stinker. I'm sure it's not one he'll soon forget. He was so proud and so excited. Jeremy had to have a big talk with him about what sorts of details he should share at school and what sorts of details should be left for talking about at home ;)
They ended up getting two turkeys completely on accident. This one was quite far away to take the shot, but Jeremy knew he had to try it for Cooper's sake. Once they got to where the turkey dropped, they found a second one dead from the bullet spray! Since it didn't make sense to just leave it lay there, they brought it home for the feast!
Jeremy has said for years and years how excited he is to take the kids out hunting and fishing, since those are some of his happiest childhood memories. Well, I think it's safe to say Cooper's hooked.
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