The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Summer is Getting Oh So Close!

These photos are from one of the last weekends in May, when summer was just so close we could taste it!  We were dreaming of warm nights, late walks and bike rides, and the laid-back attitude we get to enjoy once the calendar flips to June...

Carson is still mommy's boy.  And I still love every. single. second of it.  Guilt free ;)

We took a Sunday afternoon bike ride to the DQ.  Carson still barely fits in the baby seat that goes just behind an adult seat, and Cooper was working on his balance on the 'co-pilot' bike.  

The Dairy Queen is just the perfect distance away from our house for a bike ride on a nice day!

And tending to the garden is a favorite for the kids--especially watering!  Funny how it ALWAYS works out that they get more wet than the plants.  Interesting.

Bring on summer.  Sunshine.  Family time.  Sleeping in.  Playing outside.  Playdates.  Picnics,  Adventures.  We can't wait!

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